Cadillac Touring Sedan

Cadillac Touring Sedan rear 3/4 concept using Photoshop and
A Modern Take


The initial sketch was derived from my last post: Cadillac Flagship. I wanted to more fully explore the rear design in a different view. I also wanted to make this a touring car which is a mixture of both luxury and speed. I liked the front view image that I found online of the Cadillac Opulent Velocity, so I sketched over it in Photoshop. The design quickly took shape.

I shared my progress on this sketch with Tuvyah Schleifer, who is a master of AI using He sent back some variations on the theme, two of which had elements that I incorporated into my design. This was my first collaboration with another designer.

I feel that the final result is fresher and has more reach than where I started.

For the featured image, I had the most usable results with Vizcom General style. I imported a Bentley Concept photo as a reference image in Vizcom. I was going for a more Photorealistic rendering with dramatic lighting. The generated Vizcom renderings were expressive but very rough and required much Photoshopping to get the final polished image.



Cadillac Opulent Velocity front 3/4 concept car image

Cadillac Touring Sedan rear 3/4 concept using Photoshop

Cadillac Touring Sedan rear 3/4 concept using Photoshop and

Cadillac Touring Sedan rear 3/4 concept using Photoshop and

Cadillac Touring Sedan rear 3/4 concept using Photoshop and

Bentley EXP 100 GT Concept rear 3/4













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