I began this series of sketches with a line drawing that I imported into Photoshop. Because I use a mouse to draw in Photoshop, I always start a design with a pencil sketch. Ideating on paper is how I’ve drawn cars since I was 5 years old.
I grafted surface from an image onto my sketch to speed up the photoshopping process.
The initial Vizcom results were very promising. As usual, I rendered over it to tighten up the lines and fix the proportions. Even after I think I’m finished with a sketch in Photoshop , I import it back into Vizcom and elevate the rendering to a whole new level.
I like how the rear quarter in the final version pays homage to the ‘63 Corvette with its muscular shapes.The side air intake was inspired by an F-35 fighter aircraft.

3 Responses
This is the best and better version of the Chevrolet Corvette, it has the European looks with the coolness of American sports cars.
Great job, Mr. Munson
Thanks Jack, I really appreciate your comments and insights!
I have been a long time fan of the Corvette brand, and have owned 3 previously.
But I feel the new C8 just doesn’t do it for me ( Too busy ) also the rear end hurts to
look at. I saw the initial sketches ( C8 ) and they look great on paper but, something got lost
in the final design. Looking at your render here Bob, it is more pleasing to my eye.
Currently, I have a 1993 Corvette convertible.